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Counterpoints of Art and Research: Concepts, Practices, and Demarcations from the Finnish Academia

Edited by Otso Aavanranta, Susanna Välimäki

This volume examines the intersections of art and research in multiple dimensions. Thirteen authors from different backgrounds in arts, humanities and social sciences engage with themes such as artistic research, research-creation, historiography, art as labour, the politics of inclusion and diversification of art systems.

What conceptual discussions characterise the different research approaches in and around the arts? What connects and distinguishes them? How can we advance the dialogue beyond the institutionally established binary of artistic research versus humanities or scientific study of the arts?

The texts emanate predominantly from the Finnish academic context, contributing to the polyphony of the international scholarly landscape.

The publication has been peer-reviewed.

20 €
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  • Publisher Taideyliopiston Kuvataideakatemia
    Release-year 2025
    Page-count 246
    Language English
    Appearance A5 pehmeäkantinen
    ISBN 978-952-353-474-2
    ISSN 2343-1008