artistic research
11 tuotetta
juuri lisätty
Counterpoints of Art and Research: Concepts, Practices, and Demarcations from the Finnish Academia
Edited by Otso Aavanranta, Susanna Välimäki
Developing ALPS
Dominik Schlienger
Nathan Riki Thomson
Returning flutists
Kathleen Weidenfeller
Urban Sonic Acupuncture
Josué Moreno
Performing And Thinking With Trees
Annette Arlander
Etappeja – Kuvataideakatemian tohtoriohjelma 20 vuotta. Waypoints – The Doctoral Programme at Academy of Fine Arts 20 years
Elo Mika, Kantonen Lea, Kaverma Petri
Inside and Beside the Camp
Kaila Jan, Knuutila Japo